Champions List
Treasure Coast Elementary Extracurricular Programs
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Moonshot Academy
With our partnership with the Learning Alliance, Moonshot is an after-school reading tutoring program to provide real world application and skill.
Track (4th & 5th Grade)
Students engage in the sport of running, conditioning, and competing at the annual elementary track meet.
SNAG Golf ('Starting New At Golf') is the best first touch program to effectively teach the game of golf to people of all ages and ability levels. SNAG® Golf offers the versatility to learn and play in almost any environment you choose.
Science Fair
Additional time for students to conduct experiments and create science fair boards for the annual district science fair.
Garden Club (1st - 5th Grade)
This outdoor club helps students learn about gardening through sustaining beds, planting, maintaining, and caring for plants. Students begin to understand the impact of gardening to a community using garden beds and a hydroponic garden.
Art Club
Students participate before school or during extended day to explore different methods to design and create.
Media Club
The students gain a better understanding of the media center and all it has to offer. With the learning of different genres, as well as the educational values of reading. Students discuss their favorite novels, and exchange ideas to help promote reading.
S.T.E.A.M Club
Our STEAM club meets in addition to our scheduled classroom time to provide additional foundation to integrate and combine the concepts of science, technology, engineering, art, and math with a more hands-on approach. Activities include hands on learning, collaborating with peers, and using their imagination to create. We have supplied a "makers space" for them to create anything from mazes, to inventing a new technology that the world has never seen. Students also participate in coding and fun STEAM challenges.
TV Studio (4th and 5th Grade)
The skills and discipline required to plan, script, present, and technically produce a televised broadcast can help students in other areas of learning, such as comprehension, literacy, computer graphics, and math.
Acclimate & Accelerate (A2)
A2 is a before school tutoring club designed to close the achievement gap and accelerate the learning gains of TCE students that have been identified as needing additional support. The students in the tutoring club are aligned with highly qualified teachers that have strengths in the specific subject areas in which they need support. Tailored to fit the specific needs of each student, A2 has yielded amazing academic gains for those students that are a part of this opportunity.
Safety Patrol (5th Grade)
School Safety Patrol members are school-sponsored student volunteers from 5th grade. Patrollers direct children, not traffic. As school-age leaders in traffic safety, patrol members teach other students about traffic safety on a peer-to-peer basis. They also serve as models for younger children, who look up to them. School Safety Patrol members:
- Complete training in traffic safety;
- Protect students from hazards of crossing roads and highways on their way to and from school;
- Assist bus drivers in safely transporting students to and from school;
- Teach fellow students about traffic safety; and
- Serve in other leadership roles under the direction of school officials.
Teachers and principals appoint patrol members, who participate with parental approval. A teacher serves as the patrol advisor.
Treasure Coast Student Council (5th Grade)
Our Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student /faculty / community relations. Through projects and activities, student councils work to:
- Promote Citizenship
Promote Scholarship
- Promote Leadership
- Promote Human Relations
- Promote Cultural Values
Chorus (4th & 5th Grade)
The after-school chorus is an opportunity for students to excel in music performance beyond the regular school day. The group will be performing for the school and the community as well as competing as are presentation of our school.
Techy Pirates (4th & 5th Grade)
4th & 5th Grade students have the opportunity to learn a variety of fun technology in this great after-school club. Students learn about Lego robotics, movie editing, spheros, coding, and much more.
Title-One Afterschool Tutoring
Title-one is a federal grant that gives students additional after-school tutoring opportunities in Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
Pirates On The Run
Students can join Pirates on the Run every morning where they earn “feet” for the miles that they run. Students increase their physical abilities and have fun with their peers each morning before school.
FBLA (5th Grade)
Future Business Leaders Of America Club prepares students to become future community minded business leaders. FBLA programs focus on:
- Leadership Development
Academic Competitions
- Educational Programs
- Community Service
- Awards & Recognition
- Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.
- Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.
- Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community.
- Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.
- Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals
- Encourage and practice efficient money management.
Yearbook Club
4th & 5th Grade students have the opportunity to learn a variety of design technology in this great after-school club. Students learn about digital design, promoting and teamwork while designing and building the schools yearbook.
Peaceful Pirates
Designed for students who are over stimulated in the morning. Providing a calm environment with dimming lights and soothing music. Breathing exercises and morning stretches help them ease into their day. The goal is to have students begin their day feeling relaxed, confident and with renewed energy to begin the learning process for the day.